The Man In The Vase

Ergin was not taking his eyes from the vase. The flower which blooms was as if it comes up to the moments of his life which was uncovered. Although his eyes were even in the vase, his sights of the sense were beyond the vase. Just then the flower in the vase spoke. Yeah yeah, the flower spoke. “People do not show sincere and proper respect to the poppies.” Ergin dropped the vase suddenly on the ground. And he said “I hate the poppies.”

Mustafa Çolak

Translated by Muhsine Fatma Türk 

Hikâyenin Türkçesi


1 Yorum

  • Kenan Evren , 22/10/2014

    mustafa çolak bunu hak ediyor mu? zevale uğramış bir hikâyeciliği neden enternasyonele açıyoruz? edebifikir, aydoğan k’nın metinlerini ingilizceye tercüme ettirmeli. yaşasın aydoğan k!

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